Our team member, Pavel Kustov took part in 29th International exhibition for the packaging industry, the largest packaging industry exhibition in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Our team member Bogdan Bogdanov and ITMO team won 3 student Olympiad in physics in 2023-2024
School projects supervised by our group members participated in international conferences and won scientific prizes
In 2023-2024 we have organised several events for school children
Team leader Dmitry Zuev participated as invited speaker in PIERS conference in Chengdu, China
Members of our team presented the results of their research at national and international scientific conferences
Dmitry Zuev was an invited speaker at Harbin Engineering University at the international workshop
Our team member Artem Larin has successfully defended his PhD thesis
Two foreign PhD students - Chunyu Li and Xinyi Zhu - joined our group in 2023
The Unclonix project team took part in the international exhibition of technology startups Expand North Star
Our group has developed and is teaching an interdisciplinary course “Experimental Methods in Physics”
Students of our research group returned from the international conference IEEE-Nano in South Korea
 Our team members developed unclonable anti-counterfeiting labels, which are based on silicon nanoparticles modified with a laser
Our team member Vitaly Yaroshenko has successfully defended his PhD thesis
On November 10, 2022 our colleagues and scientists from Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics held a joint workshop.
In the fall of 2021, our team with CNR-Nanotec (Italy) won a grant from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education and from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the development of this technology.
Congratulations to our team member Yali Sun on her successful PhD defence
For all questions, you can contact us by email


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